Baldwinville, MA
Baldwinville, MA
Malfoy and Darren
Malfoy and Darren
Malfoy and Darren
Malfoy and Darren
Malfoy and Darren
Malfoy and Darren
Mystic Aquarium
Mystic Aquarium
Mystic Aquarium
Mystic Aquarium
"Found" still life project for school
"Found" still life project for school
"Found" still life project for school
"Found" still life project for school
"Found" still life project for school
"Found" still life project for school
Malfoy hiding in a window at Fort Trumbull in CT
Malfoy hiding in a window at Fort Trumbull in CT
Malfoy and Bellatrix
Malfoy and Bellatrix
Malfoy hiding in a window at Fort Trumbull in CT
Malfoy hiding in a window at Fort Trumbull in CT
My friend Sara modeling a mask for my Etsy store
My friend Sara modeling a mask for my Etsy store
My friend Ally modeling for my Landscapes as a Corpse project.
My friend Ally modeling for my Landscapes as a Corpse project.
My friend Ally modeling for my Landscapes as a Corpse project.
My friend Ally modeling for my Landscapes as a Corpse project.
My parents and puppies posing for a photo
My parents and puppies posing for a photo
Fort Trumbull, New London CT
Fort Trumbull, New London CT
New London, CT
New London, CT
Two siblings go fishing together on a nice day
Two siblings go fishing together on a nice day
Mama duck!
Mama duck!
My parents and my pups who would rather be going for a walk than posing for a picture
My parents and my pups who would rather be going for a walk than posing for a picture
Bellatrix the great squirrel watcher!
Bellatrix the great squirrel watcher!
Malfoy the great explorer!
Malfoy the great explorer!

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